One of the best things I have learned so far in my IIN course is the importance of water. Water is the foundation of our diet, the thing we need the most of and probably get the least of. Water helps us break down our food more effectively. It helps us overcome sugar and salt cravings. It can prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, eliminate pain and headaches, lower blood pressure and help us lose weight.
I have learned the hard way that dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones. I have suffered with kidney stones several times in my life, and I know of many other people who have also experienced this extremely painful condition. I cannot stress enough the need for each of us to drink more water!
From the website watercure.com I learned:
Water is the basis of all life, and that includes your body.
Your muscles are 75% water.
Your blood is 82% water.
Your lungs are 90% water.
Your brain is 76% water.
Your bones are 25% water.
Your entire body is 75% water.
Dehydration produces pain as its first alarm signal. If the dehydration persists and is not corrected naturally with water, it becomes symptom-producing and, in time, develops into a disease condition.
Soda, coffee and tea don't replace water needs of the body. These dehydrate the body even more, and within an hour you will urinate a cup more than the beverage you drank.
Dry mouth is one of the very last indicators of dehydration of the body. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already extremely dehydrated.
Dark yellow or orange urine
Decreased coordination
Dry skin, nose, mouth
Decreased urine output
Impairment of judgement
Divide your body weight by two, and drink that many ounces of water a day. If you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces or 10-12 cups per day. If you weigh 100 pounds, you will only need about 50 ounces or four 12 oz. cups per day.
Most municipal water is safe to drink. If you are unsure of the water quality in your area, you can get a water filter that attaches to your faucet.
Morning is when you are most dehydrated and full of toxins. Drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning to flush out toxins and get blood flowing.
Drink water before a meal and afterwards to help in the digestion process.
Balance your sodium intake with your water consumption. You should take in 1/4 tsp. of sea salt per quart of water. Low sodium levels in the blood can lead to sickness and even death.
Keep a water bottle by your side at all times. Take it everywhere with you. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink.
Drink at least 1 liter of water for every 60 minutes of exercise. Drink more if it's hot. During exercise, replenish fluid every 20 minutes.