Monday, October 21, 2013


A while back I ran into a friend of my sister's from high school.  She was with an older looking lady that I assumed was her mother.  (You should never assume.)  In the course of the conversation, I asked, "Is this your mom?"  Her faced dropped and the lady replied, "No, I'm her sister."

I was mortified.  I felt terrible and hoped that I had not offended her too much, but what could I do?  Afterwards, I thought about what I could have said or done differently, and vowed to never again ask someone a question like that so casually.  I also thought about how it must have made her feel to be thought so much older than her sister.  Nobody wants to look older than they really are, and I have made it my mission to find out what steps we can all take to not only look younger, but feel younger than we are.

We all probably know someone who just seems to never age and we would love to know what their secret is.  Here are a few secrets that will help you feel, look and act like a kid again!


You really are what you eat, so avoid processed, packaged foods that have been sitting on a grocery store shelf for months on end and reach for fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and herbs.   Fresh foods contain more vitamins, nutrients, oxygen, fiber, and water than processed foods.   Try to get a variety of colors and textures as well.  Adding in just 1 fresh fruit or vegetable a day to your diet will make a huge difference in how you look and feel.


Staying hydrated allows all of the systems in your body to function properly. Water flushes out toxins, lowers blood pressure, promotes weight loss, and prevents premature aging of the skin.  Dehydration causes dry, wrinkled looking skin, headaches, pain, lethargy, decreased coordination and impaired judgement.   If you drink soda or coffee, drink an equal amount of water to counteract the effects.


It is almost impossible to eat enough of the right foods to get all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs, so I recommend taking a daily multi-vitamin, fish oil supplement, and an anti-oxidant. Protandim is a supplement that combats the oxidative stress that occurs in the body and fights free-radical damage. Contact me if you would like to know more about how to get Protandim.


15-20 minutes of moderate exercise three to four times a week is all you need to stay looking a feeling young.   The most important thing is to stay active and flexible.  You need at least 7 hours of sleep every night in order for your body and brain to function properly, so make sure to get your beauty rest.  You also need to take time to relax, de-stress, and connect with friends and family.  Make time in your schedule for things you love that are relaxing, such as reading a book, getting a massage, or taking a long bath.


Dry, brittle, damaged hair makes you look older than you are.  Invest in a high-quality product that will nourish and protect your locks.  I love Wen Hair Care products, especially the cleansing conditioner.  Avoid using super hot styling tools on a daily basis, and try washing your hair  every 2 or 3 days instead of every day.  Dry hair can look healthier and younger by running a little bit of Macadamia healing oil treatment through the ends every day.  Get ends trimmed regularly.


Too much sun exposure can damage skin, so protect it by wearing sunscreen every day.  A good one to try is this one by Josie Maran or this one by Yes to Carrots.  The sensitive skin around your eyes tends to wrinkle easily if not protected (or if you squint a lot), so be sure to wear sunglasses when you are outside.  Use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup, dirt, and built up oils before bed, and use a moisturizer with retinol while you sleep.


Nothing shows age faster than yellow looking teeth.  Brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day will keep your teeth looking young and healthy.  Flossing daily has also been shown to add at least one year to your life because it prevents a build up of plaque in the arteries.  Avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, and get regular check-ups and cleanings.  You can buy whitening products from your dentist, or the ones from the drugstore work just as well.  


The people who look and act the youngest are the ones who love life.  They have fun no matter what they are doing, they enjoy being around other people, and they always seem to have a smile on their face.  Some people are just born that way, but I think there are some who really do work at it.  It is possible to learn how to be a positive, happy, young-at-heart lover of life.  Spend time observing the way these people live and interact with others, or just go up and ask them what their secret is.  They will most likely be more than happy to share their wisdom with you!  :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I was going to do a blog post/ newsletter about how to look and feel younger.  And I will still do that one, probably next month.  But I have felt the urge to talk about something even more important than looking and feeling young.  I feel like I need to tell you how wonderful you are.

I want to tell you that I love you.  And  I want you to be able to love yourself.  It sounds a little silly, but I feel this is so important, it just couldn't wait until next month or even next week.  Feeling good, being healthy, living a great life, they all start with one thing:  LOVE.

I don't care how much other stuff you have, in the form of physical things.  If you don't feel loved, you don't feel happy.  You don't feel healthy.  No matter how many vegetables you eat, if your heart is empty and cold and dark, if there is no love in there for yourself and others, you are not well.  

How do we learn to love ourselves when all we see in the mirror is all of our own imperfections, all of our faults, all of the pain?  It's not easy.  It will take an entire lifetime of trying to accomplish it, but if we don't try, we will never really feel whole and complete.  I'm not very good at explaining things without making a list, so here is a list of ways to bring more love to your life -- for yourself and for others.


None of us is perfect.  Nor will we ever be, in this life anyway.  So why do we demand perfection of ourselves when we know it is impossible?  The best we can do is never going to be enough.  There will always be someone we didn't make happy, someone who disagrees with our view, or, even someone who doesn't like us. 

 Perfection is a lie.  And a lie can only exist if you believe it.  So stop believing in the lie of perfection, and embrace the imperfect.  Embrace yourself and all of your faults and weaknesses.  Know that you are an incredible child of God, and believe that He loves you just as you are.  You ARE beautiful.  You ARE smart.  You ARE amazing.  If you can't possibly believe those things about yourself, then ask God to help you believe them.  Ask Him to show you how much He loves you.  And He will.  He shows us a thousand times a day how loved we are.  We just have to pay attention.

Assignment:  Look in the mirror and say out loud at least once a day:  "I totally and completely love and accept myself as I am right now."


It is never okay to judge anyone.  For anything.  For any reason.  Ever.  That includes yourself.  So many of us are so good at accepting others just as they are, and loving them totally and completely.  But when it comes to ourselves, we are not so giving. 

 Do you look in the mirror and frown at what you see?  Do you say negative things about yourself?  Do you even hate certain parts of your body?  You actually have no right to judge yourself so harshly.  You certainly would not let someone say bad things about your family or your friends.  Then how can you allow those thoughts in your head to tell you that you are not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough?  

That voice is not the real you.  The critical, judgmental part of us is not who we really are.  It is the part of our brain that is trying to make sense of everything, trying to make everything and everyone fit into neat little boxes.  So stop listening to it.  Just realize that it is trying to help, but you don't need that kind of help, and then let it go.  The real you is the part that is aware of the voice.  The part of you that senses all that is good and true and right within yourself and with the world.  That's what is real. 

Assignment:  No more judging yourself for any reason.  When a negative thought comes up, about yourself or anyone else, say thanks but no thanks.  Then get on with your day.


My dad always taught me that if I wanted to have a friend, I needed to be a friend.  I believe the same things applies to love.  If you want to receive love, you have to give love away.  It makes sense then, that in order to love yourself, you need to give love to others.  And giving love begins with gratitude.  
When we feel grateful for what we have, we naturally want to share what we have with those around us.  When we share with those around us, they in turn, share with us.  When we give love and service to others, we receive more love and service in return.  It's an amazing cycle, and it keeps on giving and intensifying and growing.  

I have noticed that when I am having a bad day, it's usually because I have forgotten to practice gratitude.  I am focusing so much on the bad things happening that I forget about all of the good in my life.  And when I am feeling down on myself, it is most often because I have failed to recognize all of the gifts and blessings and positive qualities I have been given.  

Assignment:  Each morning, as soon as you open your eyes, make a mental list of everything you have to be grateful for.  Spend a few minutes feeling thankful, then decide how you will show your gratitude to someone else.

Visit this website to learn more about how to practice self love.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I realized recently that almost all of my focus lately has been on how to stay well. But I also have many friends and family members who are battling long-term or chronic illnesses, and so I wanted to address some of their concerns this month. 

We are not always starting from a place of good health when we begin our journey to wellness.  I hope some of the following tips will be helpful to those who are either living with an illness or know someone who is.  

My hope and fondest desire is for all the people I know and love to enjoy abundant health and happiness every single day.  Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you on those days when that is not possible.

Be Well Even When You're Sick

I remember a time in my life when I was very, very sick. I was a young mother with small children, and I came down with a horrible flu virus.  For 10 days, I couldn't do much of anything but lay in bed.  I hated the feeling of not being able to care for my children or do my own laundry.  I could not wait until I was well again.

Thankfully, I have been blessed with extremely good health for most of my life.  But the times when I do get sick, I usually try to push through it and go about my life as if nothing was wrong. Not a good plan.  When you are ill, your body is sending you a message:  STOP!Respect your body enough to give it the rest it needs in order to heal.  Even though it can be very frustrating to let others do your work, you will get better that much faster if you do.  

When you don't feel well, water is your friend!  Drink as much as you possibly can, because water will help the toxins that are making you sick leave your body faster.  For nausea, try ginger tea or ginger ale.  For upset stomach drink peppermint tea.  For colds drink hot cider or lemon water.  For loss of appetite, try sipping clear broth.  No matter what, stay hydrated. Take frequent showers or baths, as many as 3 or 4 a day, to keep those germs and toxins moving out!  Dry body brushing and sitting in a sauna will also aid in ridding your body of unwanted visitors.  Click here to read more about water benefits.
Your body needs help rebuilding and repairing cells and muscles after an illness, so increase your protein intake to speed up the recovery process.  Lean cuts of beef, chicken, pork and fish are great sources of animal protein.  Look for organic, locally raised meat whenever possible.  High quality dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and eggs are another good source, as are beans, soy and protein drinks.  
Sometimes a severe or prolonged illness can cause weight loss.  Being sick is not a great diet plan, so if you begin dropping pounds, increase your calorie intake.  Switch to full-fat dairy, eat more creamy soups, or just eat more often to keep your body at a healthy weight.  If you don't have an appetite, eat whatever sounds good, even if it doesn't seem like the healthiest choice.  When you are back to full health, you can go back to eating healthier choices.  
If you are taking medications, they can cause digestive issues like constipation, nausea, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.  Make sure you are getting plenty of fiberin the form of whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, and seeds.  You can also add a tablespoon of a fiber supplement like this one to one glass of water per day.

During an illness, the body gets depleted of many essential vitamins and minerals, so it may help to take a multi-vitamin.  I also encourage everyone, sick or not, to take a fish oil supplement every day.  Check with your doctor before taking any vitamins you don't normally take, as some can interfere with medications. I take this multi-vitamin (I can't take anything with calcium because I make kidney stones) and this is one of the fish oils I recommend.

Whether you are fighting off a summer cold, bogged down by a stomach bug, or battling a long-term illness,practice extreme self-care during this time and invest in the highest quality foods that you possibly can. You will recover faster, and your body will thank you!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Drink Your Carrots!

This morning I was flipping through my smoothie recipes and found one that was for carrot juice.  It sounded kinda different, so I decided to try it.  Surprisingly, it was really good!  So good in fact, I decided to make a second batch, tweaked the recipe just a bit, and it was even better!  Here is my version of the carrot apple smoothie:


1 cup organic apple juice

1 1/2 cups baby carrots
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 cup ice cubes

Add ingredients to blender in order listed.  Start on low and gradually increase to highest setting.  Process for 1 minute.  Refrigerate any extra juice and drink within 24 hours.

So why do you want to drink your carrots?  Here are just a few of the healing properties:

  1. Protects your vision (Yes, your mom WAS right!)
  2. Anti-inflammatory for mucus membranes
  3. Strengthens spleen and pancreas
  4. Improves liver function
  5. Stimulates elimination of toxins
  6. Reduces excess stomach acid
  7. Destroys intestinal bacteria and parasites
  8. Helps control blood sugar levels
  9. Strengthens the immune system
  10. Helps balance acidity in the body
  11. Nourishes and builds blood
  12. Lowers cholesterol
  13. Eases constipation
  14. Increases fertility
  15. Helps elimination of excess fluids in the body

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie

(or, PB&J Smoothie)

This breakfast smoothie is one of my all time favorites.  To me, it tastes just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  It is simple to make and take on the go on a busy morning or you can lounge in your PJ's and drink it like a queen ;)

Add the ingredients to your blender in this order:  
1/2 cup of coconut milk.  I like Silk vanilla flavor, but any kind you like will work. 
 You could also use soy milk or almond milk.  

Next, add 1/4 cup of plain yogurt.  I like the Fage brand, but whatever you have works great.  

Now add 1/4 cup peanut butter.  I happen to prefer peanut butter that has some added sweetness to it.  I have tried the all-natural ones, but I find them too dry and flavorless.  It is a matter of personal taste, but if you do use an unsweetened peanut butter, you may want to use a flavored yogurt.  

Add in about a teaspoon of agave nectar if you want your drink to be sweet.  But as I said before, if you are using sweetened yogurt and/or peanut butter, you won't need to add any more sweetener.

Approximately 6 to 8 ice cubes go in next to add moisture and thickness.

Next add about a cup of fresh strawberries.  Don't worry about taking the tops off, just toss them in and grind them up!  You can also use frozen strawberries, or any other fresh or frozen berry will work.  I have used blackberries, blueberries and raspberries.  Just use whatever you have.  Just a note, if you use frozen fruit, eliminate the ice cubes.  

My next picture didn't download correctly, so just imagine a picture of a banana here.  Add 1/2 of a banana, the more ripe the better.  (You can freeze bananas that are going to go bad and use them in smoothies -- just peel,  place in a plastic baggie and stick in the freezer.  Use them within 2-3 weeks.)

Now all your ingredients are in the blender.  Start out on the lowest speed and gradually increase to the highest speed.  Let blend for about 30 seconds.  

Pour into a glass and sip through a straw!  I'm pretty sure this smoothie is going to become one of your favorite breakfast foods!  It's one of mine because:  A) I don't enjoy breakfast that much, it's probably my least favorite meal.  On the days I really don't feel like eating, I make this and sip it while I'm getting ready in the morning  B) It's super high in protein so it gives you lots of energy, and C) It keeps you full until lunchtime.  I hardly ever feel like snacking before lunch if I have had one of these.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Healthy Homemade Sloppy Joes

Summer is a great time for making Sloppy Joes!  When it's hot out, you definitely don't want to spend any more time in the kitchen than is absolutely necessary.  I've been using this recipe for awhile, and it is a family favorite!  It is easy and fast to make, and it's much healthier than using a can of Sloppy Joe sauce.  If you have a very big family, you may want to double the recipe.  This recipe feeds 3 to 4 people.  Enjoy!  :)


1 lb. ground turkey
1 cup organic ketchup
1/4 cup water
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp. yellow mustard
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 medium onion, minced
Sea salt and pepper to taste

In a large skillet, brown the turkey.  Season with a little salt and pepper.  When meat is almost done, add the minced onions and garlic.  Stir in ketchup, water, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard.  Bring to a low boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 - 10 minutes.  Serve on whole wheat buns.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How Healthy Are You? Take this quiz to find out!


This health assessment quiz is designed to help you think about the choices you make each day that affect your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  It is not designed to be all-encompassing, but merely a jumpstart to making better choices for your health and well-being.

Answer yes or no to each question in all five categories.  If the statement is sometimes or usually true, do not answer yes until the statement is ALWAYS true for you.  If the statement does not apply to you, disregard it.  

How long it takes you to complete the program is up to you.  Work on it as often as you like until all of your answers have become YES answers.  You will find a renewed energy and sense of well being as you make changes in the areas of home environment, nutrition, and physical, emotional and spiritual health.  You may want to print out this survey and keep it
 in a place where you will see it often as a reminder to keep working on it. 

HOME ENVIRONMENT:                                    

1. My home is my sanctuary from the world                      
2. I have a space in my home to exercise                      
3. I have cleared out items I don’t need or use                        
4. People feel comfortable and welcome in my home                        
5. I can walk without tripping over things                         
6. I have a system for filing all papers                        
7. I make my bed every day                         
8. My appliances are all in working order                        
9. There is music in my home                        
10. My home is neat and clean most of the time                        
11. I have my own space to relax and take care of myself               
12. My clothes are clean and in good repair                        
13. I clean with environmentally friendly products                 
14. I have live plants in my house                                
15. I recycle as much as I can                         
16. I sleep in a dark, quiet room that is clean and comfortable               
17. If there are pets, they are healthy and clean                         
18. I surround myself with beautiful things that I love                         
19. I live in a neighborhood/area that I love                        
20. The air quality in my home is good                        
21. I have clean, filtered water to drink                        
22. I have filters on all shower heads                        
23. My home smells good                                
24. I have a clean, organized pantry                         
25. I feel relaxed and at ease in my home                         

List one thing you will do this week to change a no answer to a yes.  Continue to do so until you have answered yes to every question.

Date:  _____________

This week I will _____________________________________________________________________.


1. My hearing and eyesight are good
2. I do some kind of physical activity every day
3. I brush my teeth at least twice a day
4. I floss daily        
5. I do not have any major aches or pains
6. I do not use or rarely use caffeine
7. I do not use alcohol or illegal drugs
8. I take a vacation at least two weeks a year
9. I do not work more than 40 hours a week
10. I am not addicted to any food or substance
11. I have had a physical exam in the last year
12. I only take medicine if I absolutely have to
13. I have no habits which I find unacceptable
14. I have ways to deal with the stress in my life
15. I practice deep breathing techniques
16. My weight is within normal range
17. I have visited the dentist in the last 6 months
18. I do not need to rush or hurry to get things done
19. I do not smoke or use tobacco         
20. I do not eat past the point of comfort
21. I have regular bowel movements
22. My digestive health is good
23. My hair and nails are healthy and look good
24. My blood pressure is within normal range
25. I do not have high cholesterol levels

List one thing you will do this week to change a no answer to a yes.  Continue to do so until you have answered yes to every question.

Date:  _______________

This week I will  ____________________________________________________________________.


1. I say “I love you” to my family members regularly
2. I have something to look forward to each day
3. I feel happy when I wake up in the morning
4. I like my boss         
5. I get along with my siblings
6. I enjoy what I do for a living
7. I have a best friend         
8. I do not gossip about others
9. I look for solutions rather than complain
10. I do not take things personally         
11. I feel loved by my friends and family
12. I have good communication skills
13. I feel accepted for who I am
14. I like myself         
15. I am honest and trustworthy        
16. People like being around me         
17. I forgive others who have hurt me
18. I am not judgmental or critical of others
19. I let someone know when they hurt my feelings
20. I am aware of my own needs and take care of them
21. I call return phone calls and answer emails
22. There is no one I dread running into
23. My life is satisfying and happy
24. I do not spend more than I earn
25. I let go of toxic relationships         

List one thing you will do this week to change a no answer to a yes.  Continue to do so until you have answered yes to every question.

Date:  _______________

This week I will  ____________________________________________________________________.

SPIRITUAL HEALTH:                

1. I take time each day for stillness and reflection
2. I go for walks outdoors on a regular basis
3. I read uplifting and inspiring books                 
4. I feel connected to a higher power         
5. I pray daily                 
6. I express gratitude frequently for blessings        
7. I look for ways to serve those around me
8. I have friends who support my beliefs         
9. I am a good example to my children        
10. I speak only good of others         
11. I feel the guidance of God’s Spirit in my life         
12. I feel the presence of loved ones who have passed         
13. I feel worthy of God’s love         
14. I ask God to forgive my mistakes         
15. I always try to learn new things         
16. I believe in the goodness of all people         
17. I have a religious practice        
18. I respect the beliefs and choices of others
19. I let people know what I believe         
20. I make sacrifices for others         
21. I am willing to admit when I am wrong        
22. I trust that God is in control of my life, not me
23. I feel calm and at peace                 
24. I try to improve myself each day        
25. I believe God has a plan for me         

List one thing you will do this week to change a no answer to a yes.  Continue to do so until you have answered yes to every question.

Date:  _______________

This week I will  ____________________________________________________________________.


1. I drink at least 75 oz. of water daily
2. The majority of my food is cooked at home
3. I like to eat a variety of foods         
4. I avoid eating too much sugar         
5. I love vegetables         
6. I have visited a farmer’s market
7. I grow some of my own produce
8. I cook with fresh herbs and spices
9. I buy at least some organic foods
10. I read food labels and know what they mean
11. I “shop the perimeter” of the grocery store
12. I make healthy choices that nourish my body
13. I eat foods that were recently alive
14. I know how to make a green smoothie
15. I chew slowly and enjoy my food
16. I eat in a quiet, settled atmosphere
17. I don’t eat when I am upset
18. I give thanks for the food I eat        
19. I eat when hungry and stop before I’m full
20. I listen to my body        
21. I know what my cravings mean
22. My diet is fresh and colorful
23. I have a healthy relationship with food
24. I do not punish myself by withholding food
25. I never skip meals if I can help it

List one thing you will do this week to change a no answer to a yes.  Continue to do so until you have answered yes to every question.

Date:  _______________

This week I will  ____________________________________________________________________.

For more information about Health Coaching with Linda Barney, visit